Springfield Township, Clark County, Ohio
Call Us: 1 (937) 322 3459

Springfield Township Frequently Asked Questions

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Springfield Township receives lots of common questions. In an effort to assist our residents we have collected the more common ones, sorted by major topics. This page may be updated periodically.

General Questions

Where do I obtain the green and white house number plates?
They may be obtained at Trupointe, 821 North Belmont Avenue; phone number is 937-323-7536.
What is the procedure to rent the shelter houses at Heritage Park?
The PDF forms are on our Heritage Park web page. After completing the forms, print and bring them to the Office Manager at 2777 Springfield-Xenia Road for approval and deposit payment. We request a check for the deposit, no cash, please.

Fire Department Questions

What are the Open Burning rules?
Open burning is any set outdoor fire that does not vent to a chimney or stack. Open burning can release many kinds of toxic fumes. Leaves and plant materials send aloft millions of spores when they catch fire, causing many people with allergies to have difficulty breathing. The pollutants released by open burning also make it more difficult to meet health-based air quality standards, especially in or near large cities. Under Ohio law, these materials may not be burned anywhere in the state at any time: garbage, any wastes created in the process of handling, preparing, cooking or consuming food, materials containing rubber, grease and asphalt or made from petroleum, such as tires, cars and auto parts, plastics or plastic- coated wire; and dead animals. In Clark County no open burning is permitted without a permit from the Ohio Regional Air Pollution Control Agency (RAPCA) unless it is for cooking or some ceremonial events and only dry seasoned wood is allowed to be burned. There must be an extinguishing agent where the burn is taking place; (Example) garden hose or fire extinguisher. Open burning is not allowed when air pollution warnings, alerts or emergencies are in effect and fires cannot obscure visibility for roadways, railroad tracks or air fields. No wastes generated off the premises may be burned. For example, a tree trimming contractor may not haul branches and limbs to another site to burn. If you wish to burn call your local fire department for more information.
What are the laws regarding yielding to emergency vehicles?
Every day, emergency vehicles respond to urgent requests for service from the public. As a driver, it is your responsibility to know what to do when approaching an emergency vehicle or passing a stationary emergency vehicle. By State Law, when driving, you must yield to the right for all moving public safety vehicles. You must yield to the left if possible for all stationary public safety vehicles. When a public safety vehicle is approaching with its lights and sirens traffic in both directions must pull to the right and stop. You should always pull to the right and stop prior to an intersection and always yield to public safety vehicles turning left and make sure all public safety vehicles have passed before proceeding. State law requires drivers approaching a stationary emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights, including road service vehicles, traveling in the same direction, to vacate to the lane closest to the left if safe and possible to do so, or slow to a speed safe for road, weather, and traffic conditions.
Why do you block traffic lanes at auto accidents, sometimes more lanes than necessary?
We block traffic lanes for the safety of our personnel and our patients. Blocking extra lanes keeps our personnel safe when they go back to our apparatus to get more equipment and help protect the victim we are trying to stabilize. Over 25 firefighters are killed or injured each year while working at incidents on streets and highways.
Why am I not supposed to drive over a fire hose?
Firefighters are very concerned about people running over fire hoses because the hose can be damaged and any firefighter at the end of a nozzle may have the water interrupted and possibly cause injuries or death. Any hose that is driven over without protection has to be taken out of service and tested which may cost taxpayers money to replace. State law prohibits any person operating a motor vehicle to drive over or across an unprotected fire hose.
Can you get my cat out of a tree?
The Fire Department does not normally assist in rescuing animals. Residents may contact Animal Control and if they request our assistance then it will be provided, if possible. The telephone number for the Clark County Humane Society is (937) 399-2917.
Are smoke detectors needed in my home?
Yes. Smoke detectors should be placed on every level of your house and in every sleeping room. We recommend all residents have smoke detectors in their home, but in a residential structure, it is not required.
How often do I need to change the battery in my smoke detector?
We recommend that residents change the batteries in smoke detectors every six months. A good time to change the batteries is during the spring and fall time changes.
Why did you chop that big hole in my roof? The fire was in the kitchen, not the attic!
During a fully involved structure fire, temperatures inside a structure are often 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. By cutting a hole in the roof and ventilating the building, the heat is allowed to escape through the roof thereby making it safer for firefighters to enter the building and apply water directly on the fire. This strategy is vital to stopping and extinguishing a structure fire quickly, and actually helps minimize damage to other rooms.
How can I schedule a fire truck or a firefighter at my function?
For Fire Prevention events or other tours call (937) 324-4571 during township business hours and your call will be directed to someone in fire prevention to make arrangements for us to attend your event. If scheduled please always remember if an emergency call is dispatched we may not be able to attend, or if already at your event, we will have to leave to handle the emergency.
How do I schedule a home inspection for an adoption or foster care requirements?
For home inspections for foster care or an adoption call (937) 324-4571 and arrangements will be made to schedule your inspection in a timely manner. Please have your paperwork available at the time of the inspection when scheduled and in the event you have to reschedule the inspection please call and let us know and we will work with you to reschedule and complete the inspection.

Zoning Questions

Do I need a permit for a shed?
Sheds up to 120 Square Feet do not require a permit, although it is suggested that the shed meet the setback requirements for the zoning district that the property is located in.
May I have farm animals on my property?
The Ohio Revised Code, 519.21 does allow for "agriculture use" in Township areas, regardless of the underlying zoning, subject to certain restrictions.
What is the definition of an "inoperable vehicle"?
Under the Springfield Township Zoning regulations, any vehicle stored or parked outside for more than 72 hours must:
  • Have all of its parts assembled.
  • Be in a running condition.
  • Be able to pass an Ohio State Patrol safety inspection

Does the Township require permits for swimming pools?
All swimming pools that are deeper than 24 inches (2 feet) requires a Zoning Certificate.
Are swimming pools required to have a fence?
Yes, any pool over eighteen (18) inches in depth must be fenced or have a four (4) foot side wall that is rigid and non-collapsible.
How many dogs may I have in a residential area?
In all zoning districts other than A, Agricultural, home owners may have a maximum of four (4) adult dogs; i.e., dogs over six (6) months old.

Road Dept. Questions

How should leaves be put out for pick-up?
Leaves should be placed in wind rows close to the roadway, not on the pavement, but close enough that the brush crew can reach the leaves with the machine. Please keep the leaves away from mail boxes, vehicles and other large items to facilitate the pick-up process.
What is the maximum diameter limb that can be chipped?
The Township Brush Crew will take limbs up to five (5) inches in diameter. The limbs should be placed on the berm , not in the roadway, with the cut end towards the road. The limbs should not be cut into small pieces; the brush crew prefers longer pieces that will feed into the chipper easily. If the branches are smaller than twelve (12) inches in length, please place them in an open container. The Brush Crew operates on a continuous basis; please be patient.
What happens to the brush and leaves after pickup?
The brush is processed into mulch and the leaves into compost which is available to Township residents to pick-up at the Compost Facility at 1516 South Bird Road.
What if my mail box is knocked down during a snow storm?
If a resident's mail box is knocked down during a snow storm as a result of snow removal activity by the Township Road Department, the resident must notify the Township Office Manager at 937-322-3459 within 24 hours to be put on the list to have the mail box replaced. The Township Road Department will replace the mail box with a standard 4X4 post and metal mail box as soon as is possible.
If a traffic signal or road sign is blocked and/or damaged, who do I contact?
If you notice a sign or any other warning device that needs to be replaced or repaired during the hours of 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, call the Township Office Manager at 937-322-3459. At any other time, call the Clark County Sheriff's Dispatch Office at 937-328-2560.